In September of 2001, the Woolly Bullies, as we sometimes refer to ourselves, started getting together about once a month to rug hook together. There's always lots of oohing and aahing at each others rugs, sometimes attempts to steal rugs, wool and dying tips, delicious treats, lots of laughing, and sharing the ups and downs in our lives. An extremely sad, unbelievable family tragedy befell one of us. Devin, the founder of our group, came up with the idea of making a rug as a way to give support, comfort and love to our friend. The rug design is Devin's. Each of us will hook our hand and loving thoughts into the rug. Besides designing the rug, Devin also can be credited with organizing the whole project, from gathering the wool to packaging up the rug as it's passed from person to person. She also is hooking the background. Isn't the swirling green background fantastic? Emmy hooked the perfect lettering. Below are close ups of the hands of myself, Emmy, Devin, Marie, Lenore, and Joelle.
Next week we get together for October. I'm looking forward to seeing those Woolly Bullies!
Important note: If you are reading this and happen to know the woman for whom this rug is for, please do not mention this to her! Thank you!