Summer Coasters! My sister,
Bonnie, gave me some KnitPicks Shine Sport yarn to try out. It's incredibly pleasant to crochet with, and so soft. These coasters are the results-perfect for resting a beer on during this summer heat.

Last Sunday I went to Plum Island and Newburyport so I made a stop at the
Wenham Museum to see this hooked rug exhibit. Alot of nice rugs with summery themes, and a wide range of styles. If you're in the North Shore area, check it out. I really liked seeing the late 1800's stamping blocks by Philena Moxley that are also on display. She's the great grandmother of the woman who now owns
Green Mountain Rugs in Vermont-rug hooking passed down through the generations.

Oh, I visited the Fiber Art Center in Amherst (see sidebar) also and saw the Dutch Fiber Artists show on view until the end of the month. I liked the spiderweb-like wall installations by Marain Bijlenga, who uses horsehair, thread, and fabric and paper remnants, and the paper jewelry by Nel Lins.