Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Over the weekend I heard Bowie songs in 3 different places while out and about. Somehow that naturally turned my mind to fashion - and I thought, "why not turn the dyed-skein-gone-bad into fashion?" Could this semi-felted neck gaiter be a next fall trend? Well, I just couldn't discard this poor skein. What can I do with it? Trying to felt it more seems like too much work. Could it be needle felted? Hmm, it could make a fashionable bird nest.


Jerry & Maxy said...

It looks like fashion to me - you are in Boston, a trendy metropolitan area afterall.

Jenny said...

Betsey -

One of my friends, Ruth Walker, spins overtwisted yarns, lots of thick and thin, on purpose, to use as hand bands on her felted hats. You can certainly use your felted yarn as a fashion accessory or accent!

Jenny said...

Betsey -
Check out www.feltmaker.com. Your yarn can be many things. For starters, a base for a vase of spring flowers!

Bonnie said...

Make a few baby blue felted eggs and put them in your "bird's nest"!!!

Actually, I think you should go out and about wearing it. Somebody will ask where you bought it, and then you could say, you made it and then offer to sell it to them.

i was also think you could make coasters by felting it more, pressing it flat, then cut it into shapes and embroider on them.

Anonymous said...

you wear your neck gaiter and I'll wear my old coat and we'll go out on the town together!

Betsey said...

Thanks for the great ideas! Jenny, thanks for the great link. Now I'm going to have to learn how to felt!