It's so nice to have April begin with sunny weather. It seemed like March was nothing but rain. In mid-March, on a day with huge wind gusts and torrential downpours, Bonnie and I spent the day in New York. I've never seen so many broken, abandoned umbrellas but what really impressed me were the hearty souls bicycling through the New York streets in the pouring rain. We managed to stayed dry for a good amount of time at Habu Textiles.
There are so many intriguing and unusual yarns. I'd have been happy to sit on a stool there all day long, picking up one yarn after another, creating crochet and knit stitches. There are a few more photos of the shop here. By the time spring arrived, I had finished crocheting a doily full of flowers using Habu Tsumugi Silk. It's a free pattern from Pierrot Yarns. Once the silk has been washed and blocked, it softens and drapes so nicely, so exquisite. I'd like to make a summer shawl or top with it.
I found the perfect book to encourage my experimentation with some Habu yarn samples. Knot is a Japanese thread crochet book of small accessories and jewelry. The other day I used a bit of silk and one of the shapes in the book to make a brooch. It reminds me of Birch tree seed pods.
As a way to say goodbye to National Crochet month and share some Habu goodness, I'm having a mystery giveaway. The winner will receive a crocheted item from the Knot book, made from Habu yarn. I'll include some other surprises as well. Just leave a comment that you're up for a surprise. I'll randomly select a winner on April 17 and show you what the winner won.